Friday 29 July 2016

What we have thus far

Before we decided to make this island we had a little setup already. This setup was on the south of the island and this is what we have. All the pictures will be a little distorted because i play on a high field of view.

 Above the the original space station in all its nearly finished glory! 

Above is the ground floor, there are some geothermal generators which use the change in temperature between water and lava to produce energy. They are currently not in use anymore. There is also a small farm of ender lily seeds, which produce ender pearls when harvested.

The 1st floor is being used as a spare, currently it holds most of the items we have collected, entirely unorganized of course.

The second floor houses mostly stuff from a mod called mekanism. This is where we are processing ore. currently one ore from the ground produces 4 ingots. More detail of how this works will be in a later post when we create the ore processing factory. 

The roof houses a nuclear reactor which we are using for energy, the wire going towards the left of the image connects to the image below.

These salination tanks are turning water into brine. Brine is a liquid which can be used to collect chlorine which is being used in the ore processing machines. the excess energy being produced by those solar panels is being sored in a battery next to the nuclear reactor.

This is the view from the top of the base showing off what little else we have. The white buildings in the left were orignally going to be for a small safe village full of minecraft villagers from the village behind it however it has since been abandoned. the weird building on the right is our original home and the redwood tree in the distance has been turned into a simple home, which will probably be burnt down in the near future


The first thing we decided upon was to cut down all the tress on the island and fill in all of the little lakes and ponds on the island too. I will report back when all of this is done and show the lay of the land.

Land Mass Size

The squares overlaying the area denote a minecraft chunk. Chunks are basically areas that get loaded in each time a person moves near to it. A chunk is 16 blocks by 16 blocks.

The island is 24 chunks wide form east to west and 21 chunks wide from north to south.


Just like a normal city we decided that the city should have districts. One an industrial area with power generation and factories, one a area for farmland, and so on.

The picture above shows some rough outlines of what we have decided upon as of now.

The section in the south east cut of by brown circles will be an industrial area as it is close to a swamp and the soil looks dirty. #Authenticity

The forest area to the east cut by read circles will be come farmland. The buildings there currently was our old setup which i will show you in a later blog post.

The square in the middle will be a sky scraper/science labs. And the north point will become our version of nasa.

Starting Out

Me and a friend of mine have been playing some modded minecraft (Resonant Rise v3.3). We got some of the basics up, that being power generation and ore processing when i finally decided to build a jet pack.

Having built the jet pack and subsequently flying around the surrounding area I noticed that we were surrounded entirely by rivers.

Some small pieces of land link the area to the other land and we decided to remove these by hand until we had some small island that looked like this. (we also removed the volcano, the black area on the map)

Now being a island we decided that it would be fun to turn this island into a country, however its not big enough for that, so instead one of us proposed it become a densely pact city state. Which is now what we are starting to do.

This blog is going to document the process of turning an island into a city in hopes that it keeps us playing. We don't know how long it will take, or how long this blog will be updated but we will try to post as and when news arises.