Friday 29 July 2016

Starting Out

Me and a friend of mine have been playing some modded minecraft (Resonant Rise v3.3). We got some of the basics up, that being power generation and ore processing when i finally decided to build a jet pack.

Having built the jet pack and subsequently flying around the surrounding area I noticed that we were surrounded entirely by rivers.

Some small pieces of land link the area to the other land and we decided to remove these by hand until we had some small island that looked like this. (we also removed the volcano, the black area on the map)

Now being a island we decided that it would be fun to turn this island into a country, however its not big enough for that, so instead one of us proposed it become a densely pact city state. Which is now what we are starting to do.

This blog is going to document the process of turning an island into a city in hopes that it keeps us playing. We don't know how long it will take, or how long this blog will be updated but we will try to post as and when news arises.

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